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Medieval and Later Ivories in the Courtauld Gallery (Medieval Craftsmanship) de John Lowden

Descripción - Reseña del editor In 1966 Mark Gambier-Parry bequeathed to the Courtauld the art collection formed by his grandfather Thomas Gambier Parry (who died in 1888). Since then, of the 28 ivories in the collection, about half have been on permanent display at The Courtauld, yet they have remained largely unknown, even to experts. This scholarly catalogue, full of beautiful new photography, is the first publication dedicated solely to the collection. There are examples of the highest quality of ivory carving, both secular and religious in content, and a number of the objects are of outstanding interest. The earliest objects date from the late 11th century. In his introductory essay, John Lowden discusses the sourcing and use of ivory in art from late Antiquity to the Modern period, comparing the properties of walrus, narwhal, African elephant and Indian elephant tusks. He examines the problems in the modern day study of medieval ivories - the principal problems being the extraordinary reticence of the sources and almost entire lack of inscriptions - and the questions of authenticity raised by copies and casts and radiocarbon dating. The ivories are a revealing tribute to the perceptive eye of Thomas Gambier Parry, a distinguished Victorian collector and Gothic Revival artist responsible for a number of richly painted church interiors in England, such as the Eastern part of the nave ceiling and the octagon at Ely Cathedral. Alexandra Gerstein introduces the Gambier Parry as a collector, not only of ivories but of Trecento and Quattrocento paintings - the area for which he is best known to day - and of 'curiosities', including 16th-century Italian maiolica, marriage chests (cassoni), medieval and Renaissance enamels, Islamic metalwork, and other decorative arts.

Medieval and later ivories in the courauld gallery medieval and later ivories in the courauld gallery complete catalogue lowden, john, gerstein, alexandra libri in altre lingue Medieval and later ivories in the courtauld gallery the medieval and later ivories in the courtauld gallery the gambier parry collection medieval craftsmanship by john lowden 20140119 john lowden on free shipping on qualifying offers Les ivoires gothiques foisonnement et renouveau des études les recherches sur les ivoires gothiques ont connu depuis les années 1970 un véritable renouveau qui sest encore accentué ces dernières années, grâce notamment à la mise en place dune base de données en ligne recensant plus de cinq mille pièces sur le site du courtauld institute of art des publications récentes permettent dapprécier la nouvelle perception que lon a de

Medieval art archives views and reviews part of the gothic ivories project, a freetouse database that aims to catalogue every surviving european ivory carving of c12001530, is to hold a biannual gettogether, this year jointly held by the courtauld and the british museumfor a conference that swallowed up a medievalists weekend right before the annual international medieval conference at leeds, apparently quite a number were Descargar gratis een leefbare aarde amsterdam academic descargar gratis een leefbare aarde amsterdam academic archive dutch edition autor jan tinbergen obtenga el libro een leefbare aarde amsterdam academic archive dutch edition de jan tinbergen en formato pdf o epub puedes leer cualquier libro en línea o guardarlo en tus dispositivos Más de 5000 imágenes gratis de medieval y castillo pixabay medieval flor patrón 5 4 0 caballero armadura 88 129 2 libros mapa adornos 42 22 18 castillo fortaleza 65 88 2 edad media castillo 59 82 2 castillo pilares página siguiente

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Medieval and Later Ivories in the Courtauld Gallery (Medieval Craftsmanship)
  • Autor: John Lowden
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Historia, teoría y crítica
  • Tamaño del archivo: 12 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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